Tuesday, February 26, 2008

mimi's birthday!

CC Mimosa "Mimi" Maghanoy's birthday celebration drew the largest crowd the Maharlika Toastmasters Club has seen so far this year. There were 30 members and guests present as Mimi multi-tasked at the meeting. Not only was she the birthday celebrator, she also acted as the Toastmaster of the Evening and she delivered an advanced speech as well.

Two new members were inducted, TM Jing Kanapi and TM TC Chua. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture their special moment on camera because I was late. I left the house early but for some strange reason, the LRT in Aurora Blvd. took some 15 minutes per station before leaving. It started at the J. Ruiz Station which meant that I had 45 minutes before arriving at the Recto terminus.

The program was a thrill since we heard TC's Ice Breaker. Three advanced speakers also delivered. It's always fun when you see an old acquaintance as my co-Rotaractor Tiff graced the proceedings.

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