Sunday, March 23, 2008

if God has a face

Maundy Thursday, 9:20 PM, on the shoreline of Brgy. Bantigue in Pagbilao, Quezon. I was resting my tired body from the long drive to this seaside escape when I encountered this miracle of sorts. I thought I was hallucinating when I saw the image of what looked like Jesus Christ himself. Nobody has really seen our Saviour's face (and returned to tell about it) but what I saw that night was truly a humbling experience.

The first apparition was really defined and extremely sharp. Unfortunately, when I laid down on the beach chair, my camera was some 50 meters away inside the house. I ran inside to grab my camera but when I returned, the cloud has shifted, and the image was no more.

I wasn't expecting that we would get a second chance of seeing God's face. A few minutes later, another apparition. This time, my camera was with me and I hastily took photographs - on a very slow shutter since a fast shot wouldn't capture the image under the available moon light. And there He was, as you'll see in the first two pictures.

But the truly amazing thing happened when a third apparition came. The Redeemer's face was on the side view this time, as if staring at the moon - as you can see on the third shot.

It was indeed a Holy Week to remember. Goosebumps and spine-tingling cheers ran through our mortal bodies. Believe the apparition or not, it doesn't matter. What's important is, we're all tiny, insignificant specks of dust compared to the One who created all of us and everything that is.

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