Sunday, November 30, 2008

fear factor

Inspired by the reality TV show, CC Erika returned to the controls of the Maharlika TMC meeting with the theme "Fear Factor". She didn't show any sign of rustiness despite her prolonged absence to the club and she didn't let her recent appendectomy affect her role either.

The members of the club as well as the visitors introduced themselves and what they feared the most. Everyone has his/her fears, that's a fact but as Toastmasters, no one in the room had any fear of public speaking whatsoever.

In lieu of the Table Topics portion, a Prepared Speech Contest was held instead. Unfortunately, only two contestants were available and they were the contest master himself, CC Peter and the TME, CC Erika. Nevertheless, the contest pushed through and Erika showed that she had what it takes to be the champ.

Ariel finally followed up on his Ice Breaker speech with his second delivery about shopping in the country's premier bargain center, Divisoria. After Ariel, Rodzon then delivered his pieace about his admiration for his father's dedication and love. Ariel's speech was evaluated by Bobby, who made his debut as an individual evaluator while Rod's delivery was gauged by Cecille.

Two members gave another feather to Maharlika's cap as they accomplished their bronze norms. Club President Mely completed her first Advanced Speaking manuals to earn her Advanced Communicator Bronze norm as she delivered her After Dinner speech. ACB Mimosa was the other achiever as she completed the requirements for the Advanced Leader Bronze norm.

There were also two members who celebrated their birthdays on the last week of November. CC Cecille celeberated her birthday on the 23rd while ACB/ALB Edvil celebrated his on the 26th.

Division B Quartethlon champ Boom San Agustin once again visited the Maharlika meeting and was volunteered as the General Evaluator.

1 comment:

Boom San Agustin said...

What do you mean I was "volunteered"? Is that a kinder way of saying I was coerced? Hahaha! Joke! Great pics!